Flash actionscript 3.0: April 2010

A Star path finding Algorthim in Actionscript3.0


Posted by Sankar.G | Posted in | Posted on 12:14 PM

A star is a Computer Algorithm that is widley used in path finding
the process of plotting an eficiently traversable path between
points called nodes A* is a very general and flexible graph traversal algorithm noted for its performance and accuracy.
As such,it is the most widely used graph traversal algorithm
A* is uses best-first search and finds the least-cost path from
a given initial node to one goal node

we are going to use this A* in our actionscript3.0
1) Click ok the grid you will place a green box
2) second click you place a Blue Box in the Grid
3) And After the Third Click you will place a black
boxes in the Grid ....

First Green box is the Orgin and second Blue box is the
desitination and black boxes are the Hurdles....
after place this press spacebar in the keyboard ....

Orgin Box will move to the desination box in the correct Path...

Below Link is used to get the a star path finding algorithm in AS3.0
