Posted by Sankar.G | Posted in AS3 | Posted on 11:47 PM
if we want to add a External SWF Libraries item to another SWF file using AS3.0.
we want to create a loader and URLRequest and load the external SWF file
and put addEventListener for loader.contentLoaderInfo with Event.COMPLETE
create a class and catch the"box")as Class
box=external SWF library item linkage name & convert it in to object like below
var clsObj:Object=new cls();
cls=class name
Below link is used to add a items from external swf library
we want to create a loader and URLRequest and load the external SWF file
and put addEventListener for loader.contentLoaderInfo with Event.COMPLETE
create a class and catch the"box")as Class
box=external SWF library item linkage name & convert it in to object like below
var clsObj:Object=new cls();
cls=class name
Below link is used to add a items from external swf library